
Our Hawaiian Home


It was too large to load, so I hope this works!

Well it is finally here. The video tour of our home. I tried doing it with sound, but the girls were too excited when I was talking. I had to be silent and just walk through the house or I had the girls commenting and jumping to get in the video...very distracting to say the least.

I hope you enjoy the tour. There are 2 rooms you were not able to see because one is a storage room and the other really looks like one now!

The video starts in the front of our house. You enter the lanai (enclosed patio). We recently cleared that out and this will be where the girls do art projects, crafts and I do crafty things too.

Then you enter our open area living room and dining room with the built in curios! LOVE THEM!

The tour goes to the right wing with the 3 bedrooms. The middle one is ours and the back one is all three girls' room. The main bathroom is there too.

The other side of the house is the girls' playroom, the kitchen, the laundry room, bathroom and 2 maids' rooms.

It is a very nice house and it is finally a home!


Blu Grey said...

Criztina... It's HUGE!!!!!!! I can't believe how big that house it. It looks very you though.. and I LOVE the girl's room!
Miss you friend,
Mandy F

TRK said...

A few things:
1.) Seeing all the art on the fridge made me smile, I don't really know why.
2.) That is a big nice house!
3.) Your shoes make a very distinct noise against the floor. ;P

pepere said...

You have done a beautiful job of decorating your lovely house.
Memere and I really had fun seeing all you have done.
Stay healthy and happy.
Love you, Memere & Pepere XOXO
P.S. How did you get the girls to be so quiet???

A Confused Dancer said...

Hi Aunt Criztina, Thorin, Sorenna, and Cannon! I love you all and hope you are all well! Thorin keep being a great trooper and keep your head high!
Love you all!