
Cannon makes a friend

I know many of you who know Cannon knows that she is a real "chatterbox".
My father-in-law doesn't get to talk at all when she is on the phone with him. She sometimes does come up for air to ask " are you still there pepere?", which he promptly says he yes.....she carries on!
But, when this cute girl is at school, she can't remember her own name from the complete shyness. It is sweet and silly, but I had no idea if she would ever make any friends to have enough to invite to her birthday party. In the last few weeks she has been talking about some of her friends and how they are so funny and crazy. I have asked her to point them out and I have yet to see her warm up to anyone when I dropped her off...so much of a loner.
At the Halloween party I stayed to help and she had this one little girl who was so fun. They decided to do the MUMMY station together. Cannon calls her "anna banana"....but it is not like the word banana....it actually is pronounced as AWE...... so it is awe-na ba-naw-na .....so it is cute when she calls her that.
Here is her fun mummy time.


pepere said...

Cannon looks like she will have a great time with her new friend. They almost look like twins. Especially with toilet paper all over themselves. Love it!

Cat said...

cannon is cute!