
My sweet Cannon turns 4

Today was photo shoot day. There were many reasons, but mostly because Cannon turns 4 this month and it will be a little crazy at the end of the month. I thought she had such a sweet face and attitude today, so I figured I would capture it.
These are the many faces and crazy ways of my shy miss Cannon. It is hard to believe that the girl in these photos is a quiet, shy little pixie. She is no bigger than a 2-3 year old, but is amazing and fun like her big sisters. She is very independant and just a joy to have in our family. I am so glad God blessed us with this fabulous girl. Can't imagine our family without her.


asa uhl said...

She is so grown up - looks older than 4!

PJ said...

So gorgeous! Not sure what you mean by shy,though! I've always loved her self-confidence!