
Dancing Divas

Today was a very big day. The girls tried out their first dance class. I have to say it was very entertaining to watch them navigate across the floor. Thorin was very strong and determined as she is in most of her life. Her concentration levels were through the roof.
Sorenna was very floaty and graceful. Her arms seemed to stretch for miles.
Cannon was in her own class and the little ones are always the most unpredictable. She was enjoying the slippery sliding of her taps shoes on the wood floor. She looked like a little jewelry box top. The three girls were glowing and thrilled to be in class. The teacher announced her plans for a show with costumes and I thought they were going to exploded with happiness. It is so nice to see them getting settled in their new home and now a new adventure.

1 comment:

**** April **** said...

I was WONDERING when you were going to put them in dance!!! :) how SWEET