
Robert is leaving again

I am sad to say that Robert is going back to war. I have had so much to do with the move and things to get done for class it has been easy to move it to the back of my mind. The reality hit really hard today when the girls were crying. He had to say his goodbyes to them at bedtime. They were begging him not to go, telling him that he shouldn't have to go back. They read the book "night catch" where the dad and kid play catch with the north star. He cut out a star and hung it in their room so tomorrow they can throw it to him and he can throw it back when he gets there. The concept is that they are throwing the north star to each other to stay connected. It will be a sad year for us all. They are upset he will miss their first dance recital. Cannon keeps talking about Iraq as if he is going there for a few hours. She asked if she could go with him. That just makes me so sad. I think she will have a hard time understanding the time.
In the last few weeks they packed in some fun times. We went to the zoo, the beach, they carved a pumpkin, and so much more. We got our family photo updated and it is really nice for a change.
The next few days are going to be the hardest for all of us. Robert will be in charge of getting all the guys on the plane and will be tired. The girls have events all week and it will be hard to come home when we know Robert won't be there. I have school and am stressing over the last few weeks.
Please pray for us and especially for Robert and his men. They need to do great things and come home to their families!


asa uhl said...

We will be thinking of you all and specially Robert! Hang in there girl - it will get better with time. Hugs and kisses from a cold place! Asa

**** April **** said...

big hugs.... but be strong. Don't be afraid to let them see you sad too so they know it's okay to be sad and that it's okay to miss him but their daddy is one of the brave and strong that keeps us all safe... wish you guys were closer.