
ONE very big run-on weekend/week

Like I said in an earlier post...life doesn't slow down with 3 very smart award winning kids. This was the competition where our school got a first place trophy. The team worked very hard getting these robots to work. We were there all morning and rushed out as soon as photos were over to arrive at girl scout camp for our overnight adventure on the Wainiae side of the island. The girls did skits, sang songs and enjoyed being together one last time as a complete troop. Soon girls will be moving and we will be getting new members to our group. Change is always hard but exciting too. After camp was over the girls regrouped at home for a few hours before heading to the ice skating rink for a THANK you event to the youth for all the volunteering they do for the chapel during the year. I am proud of my girls in their drive to serve in many arenas around post. They have a true heart for giving back and will be well prepared for when it matters on an application to college....but the fact that they beg to do it says it really means more to them than most.

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