This was the last 4th grade field trip of the year. This school has many teaching experiences and I have been lucky enough to go on many of them this year. Unfortunately they schedule some of the field trips on the same day as one of the other girls' field trips.
This one was great. We took the kids to the taro patch. This is a plant which Hawaiian feel is the base of their culture, even more than SPAM!
Our group started by weaving a braclet and Thorin's looked amazing. Then we moved over to the taro plants. The kids scraped off the peel with a sea shell then picked all the dark spots out. Then they pounded it into poi. Poi is a paste like substance that is good to mix in things for moisture. It is NOT great alone. Most Hawaiians add sugar or salt but they don't tell the tourists until after they eat is like an initiation.
At the end of the day we all went to the shaved ice store and finished the day!
Here are some videos of the day:
Making POI 0ut of taro plants. Pounding poi until it is smooth so the teacher can make a poi cake for the class.
Getting dirty! This is the class helping to harvest the taro. It takes about a year to harvest each area. It is definately a dirty adventure.
Rinse cycle. This is a 99% pure stream and is safe to drink once the muck settles. It comes straight from the mountains. This on is of kids watching their shoes float.
This is the bus ride song on the way back to school
Bus ride continued

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