They had fun in their new dresses looking girly.
Cannon TRYING to smile big, but still not looking at the camera. She simply refuses to look at me any more. The camera not her friend so we have to make her look on accident!
The girls looked so pretty in the duet costumes. They danced to "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus. It was a very nice song.
Thorin is very mature and patient with her friends and classmates. She has maxed out all her tests and continues to grow more mature. I can't believe she is almost taller than me.
are they wearing red velvet bras over a white dress??? The rest of the photos were ADORABLE but the red bra ones kinda threw me for a loop.
They are one-piece lyrical costumes. The red body top circles around the top. It looks really pretty when they are dancing.
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