
Girls ROCK and run!

My girls are so awesome!

We ran the Keiki (kid) Aloha run on Valentine's Day. It was a 1.5 mile run in Waikiki. We finished in 15 minutes.
Here we are running...look at those girls. Thorin was racing ahead and circled back many times.
I ran the official Great Aloha Run on President's Day. It was a very nice 8.15 mile race through downtown and across town to the stadium where the Pro Bowl is played. The photo below shows the groups of military units (on far right in blue) running in formation. I ran with some of them at the end. It was a very peaceful beat with the chanting (cadence). I slowed a bit, but it was a nice way to finish the race.

This is my FRG leader for our G3 group. Her kids were cracking me UP! We were in downtown huddled in the cold winds at 5am making jokes about TV shows. People thought we were crazy homeless people. There are some certifiable ones down there!

Here is where MY humor started coming out after running so far. All my friends were saying YOU ROCK!..so that was my pose!
I am looking forward to doing this run with Robert next year and also to do this thing called SWAP ROMP! It is 5 miles in the slimey mud....and it gets in everything....every THING!
I am all over that next year. You have to be a team of 6 people, you have to stay together and finish together, you can't lose a shoe in the sludge or you are disqualified and it is SO FUN!
Look for those photos next year.

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