
New family photo

Well, it's that time again. Time when Robert starts stressing about what is going to happen THIS time in Iraq. Time when the girls start clinging to dad as if every time he walks out the door, he is leaving for the year. Time when the list of to-dos to get ready for the year are longer than the time left to do them. But most importantly, it is time for the family photo.
This is a superstition, ritual, whatever you want to call it, it is just our thing.
My overactive mind goes through the "what ifs" and I have to get Robert to do all the things he might regret if he didn't. Plus, if we didn't get one...I would regret it.
Write the note to the girls, say goodbye to the family, get a current family photo when he leaves and another when he returns. Hence, our last family photo was in Dec. 2005 when Robert returned with the CAV. Cannon was out of her brace and 1 year old. She is much bigger and we now have our family photo.
It was a great weekend getaway and we have the photos to prove it.
Please pray for Robert as he gets ready to leave, pray for us as we prepare for our 14 months apart and pray for his work to be useful and life changing for the Iraqi people. He will be helping the Iraqi army get on their feet and take the country on their own soon.
Thanks for the prayers.


pepere said...

Loved your new family photo. The girls don't look like they are very smiley at this time. Guess that is not such a surprise according to your notes about them hanging on to daddy.
Love to all Memere & Pepere.

Adria said...

You are all in our prayers! It is a beautiful family photo.

Love to you all.

Andrew and Adria

asa uhl said...

love that photo and keep on taking them! Mia is happy to see the girls too! Safe travel for you Robert and have a great stay in Hawaii for the rest of you! We will be thinking of you all!
Hugs Asa

PJ said...

Thanks for sharing - - its a great photo.

You are all in my daily prayers.

Hang in there!