Last night, America made history. We elected an african-american. Ok, that is not my take on it, but that is what the papers and news reports are telling us to think. I feel like we should have been voting on AN AMERICAN....not one that sees himself as less america by still identifying himself as an outsider.
I know many who are Italian, jewish, hispanic. I never hear them distinguish this trait. When asked where they are from, they simply say I am an American!
They are an american who happens to be irish....not an Irish-American.
That small difference is what seems to divide so many in conversations today. The voices were heated and defending. You could not speak without offending. I am not saying that McCain was perfect, but he has fought for his country, almost died for his country. He wants to see our country succeed.
If anyone was aware, the last 4 years have been controlled by the Dems. They have majority in the Congress! Of course if it flips and the Reps are in the majority it will make it look like our new Dem leader is doing what he promised!
All this talk of new hope, change and a new day...that has me quite scared. He promised people he would pull the troops out. That worries me too. If he starts pulling our troops out. The ones still over there will be in more danger than when the war started. That will be my husband.
I hate hearing people say "it's about time", and "black power", but what I hate most is the comment I read that said "I am so proud of all the people who suffered so that this day could come".
Tell me he didn't win the election on reverse racism!
I also looked on line and some of the states have not reported 100%. The 54-46% makes me want to understand this process even more. How can the election be decided if all the votes are not in and none of the absentee voters overseas have been tallied?
Our guys in Iraq didn't get a voice. When I read that they don't count those votes unless the vote is much closer can you get?
I want a president who is proud of the American flag. Hawaiians can be very Anti-american for what I have seen here. They fight about their own race within the islands and our president comes from that way of thinking.
I just pray that it is a good change and my husband isn't putting his life on the line so that our president can give all that he's earned to someone not willing to work because they can get a hand-out instead of a hand-up!