Today was a total adventure. We drove over to the other side of the island to get our last T-shirt replacements for the SWAMP ROMP and had a great time exploring the base. We had lunch in the courtyard, shopped a bit and took some tourist-style photos before heading out. If you are on Facebook you have seen my story, but if it is.
We were driving back on Highway 3 (there are only 3 highways). This one is very high off the ground, has a tunnel and is only 2 lanes. So we are driving and we see a police car. Then we go a little more and more police cars. This is not normal. I made a comment about quotas and drove on.....then there were MORE so we started thinking something was going on around the area. I was hoping it wasn't a bomb threat. So, we were cruising along at 60 and a truck blew past us so fast that I looked like I was going I thought, those cops are sure to get that guy if they were here...but there were none....then more that 20 police cars, unmarked trucks and a couple helicopters swarmed us. We nearly got hit by an unmarked suburban. It was a little freaky. We were worried of running into something bad so we phoned a friend to see if there was a news story....nothing. We saw so many police cars that I think the entire state of Hawaii was around our car. I posted it to Facebook and many people were joking that it was an island and where were they going to go??
You would think that huh??
But this was an island-wide high speed chase and it ended shortly after they passed us.....they got AWAY!!!
It was a stolen truck and they hopped in another one! So, as I was looking for this bit of news to post on Facebook I noticed that it was a common thing here. There have been so many in the past few years that I was tried of reading. The very next day there was another high-speed chase and the mustang ran into the wall and the guy died.....glad I wasn't there that day!
SO, never a dull moment on this little island!