HERE is the story of THE DAY......because there seems to be one coming on as soon as the last one is written.
Today I went on a couple's kayaking adventure. There were 36 people and the truck with the extra kayaks broke, so we had to go out in 2 shifts. I took the first shift so I could be sure to be back in time to get my girls from school.
The first group of 20 were loaded up and ready to roll. Robert and I got a good start and headed to the testing point. This is where the guys make you jump out of a perfectly good kayak to prove you can get back in if you flip or drop out. The water was very cold and I was in and out FAST! So, we get going toward the island (Chinamans hat) for some fun. The plan was to circle around the back where there is this small "natural" boat dock. It is a notch in the island with a small cove. You circle around wide and line up to shuttle into the hole. When it goes well, you rush up on shore (a very small one in the middle of rough lava rock), you jump out and pull the kayak up out of the water and let the next one do the same. SO, we were in the lead just behind the guides and next to us was our friends (K & husband). They were holding still while we lined up and they were going to wait for us to get into the cove area before paddling in next. NOOOOOOO....that was not what happened. The waves kicked up just at that point and thrushed us BOTH into the cove. They lined up in the narrow docking area and us rushing into a cubby hole closer on the left. There was no way we could control the kayak or slow it down. We crashed into the enclosed hole with driving force. I thought, as I braced myself for the crash, that I was going to be thrown into the lava rocks. When we hit, we were ok. I thought, wow that was close.
BUT, then a second wave came and thrushed the kayak UP into the cove and we were crushed flat in the kayak against the rocks with no air path and trapped. I started to drown from the water entrapment. There was no way out of the boat and the water was rushing up into my face. I was less than an inch from hitting the cliff side and the wave was not letting up. Once the wave finally pulled back I coughed up the water and when the next wave came I was thrown against the wall and trying to avoid being hit my the kayak. The force of the waves with the kayak was very powerful! I have no idea how I got around to the other side of the cove, but once I got there...I was pulled under by the next wave. I was still trying to clear my airways from the salt water in the cove. I kept being pulled around and under while (unknown at the time) another Kayak did a near miss to the back of my head as it crashed on shore. Once I got up out of the water, that same kayak was threatening to throw me into the rocks and possibly crush my legs. I treaded and pulled rocks and sand to get up that ramp in the sand. I finally looked over at the cove and Robert was clearing the kayak from the hole with the others and getting out of the water. I told Robert I was ok, but that I had lost my Oakleys in the second crash, but that they were surely GONE! After the other kayaks were pulled up, and the 7 other kayaks were told to go around to the calmer water and not to line up to the ramp, my husband went into the cove and actually FOUND my oakleys! I was very grateful and still confused how I didn't drown, didn't hit my head and get knocked out from the force of the kayaks, and didn't break my legs.....all in less than 2-4 minutes...IT WAS A RUSH! That angel was WORKING TODAY!
I thought I survived with only one scratch and felt NO pain until the next morning when the bruises and bumps started to show. I guess the fight or flight mode had the pain at a zero, now all the pain is starting to come through. I hope this is all the pain I will get...the bumps are really getting big. Wish me luck with the advil!